
This is a free space to talk and share thoughts about the dances in Malaysia.

Be polite, be responsible, be free, be creative. Everyone can dance.



在这里,我们可以高谈阔论手舞足蹈之事,也可随心所欲地畅所欲言。用礼、用心、负责、谦卑 —— 论舞。



What you need to understand here:

    • 该用什么心态逛这里?随意。尊重。自重。
    • Arts transcend language.
    • Everyone can dance.
    • Dont be formal, be creative.
    • 艺术源于生活。
    • 没有什么是对或错的。
    • We think, therefore we dance.
    • 中立也是一种立场。
    • We only live once.
    • Malaysian boleh.




舞论纷纷 | 纷纷论舞   邀您让文字成为您的观众,让观众看见您的文字。

The artistic power of dance is instantaneous and limited if it is not recorded or shared.
DanceTalkGather invites you to allow text to become your audience, and let the audiences see your text.
Through limitless creations, we wish to gather beautiful souls and create synergy with each other’s efforts, and enrich Malaysian dance art.
Forget about language barrier, dont worry about topic or format, arts has no boundary.